Last news from the blog

Killer Whale re-articulation

Two years ago, a False Killer Whale was reported to have stranded on Duck Cay, off Cherokee Sound. BMMRO were quickly on the scene, and hoping to undertake the usual procedure of a necropsy, in which post-mortem samples are taken for analysis. However the poor creature was in an [...]

March 9th, 2019|

Coral Nurseries – How it started

Having been facinated by a coral nursery while we were diving with Michael Sherratt  early last year, we have been in touch with Dr. Craig Dahlgren who explained us with enthusiasm the mechanism of the coral nurseries. We had the chance to participate to one of his expedition [...]

November 5th, 2018|

ERLS Accepts BEP Donation

The Reef Lighthouse Society (LRLS) sencerely thanks the BEP-Foudation and Charles & Arian de La Baume for making the very kind domains of $5,900.00, for the second your in a row. While they were at the Lighthouse they met with members of the Elbow Reef Society (ERLS) and had a [...]

June 16th, 2018|